About Us
Pure Imagination Studio is a leading provider of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality development services, offering scalable solutions for enterprises and organizations. We offer smart, innovative services to clients worldwide.
We built our solutions by closely listening to our clientele and understanding their needs and desired results. We know how to create high quality XR content and customize our offerings to changing market needs. Get in touch today to learn more about the Pure Imagination Studio and our offerings.
Liz Newton-Tanzer
Founder and Lead XR Developer
Liz is an experienced XR developer, credentialed actuary and innovative and effective project manager committed to creating high-quality virtual reality and augmented reality applications. With a strong math and coding background from New York University and Columbia University, as well as strong Unity development training from XR Terra and Tedu, her past projects focused on education, wellness and corporate training. With extensive experience working alongside software developers, analysts, and corporate executives, she leads a team of talented designers and developers, producing high-quality results-driven enterprise solutions.